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We conduct clinical audits on behalf of CCGs to deliver effective clinical commissioning

Clinical audits are very effective tools to drive improvements in

  • Clinical effectiveness and outcomes

  • Value for money

  • Patient experience

  • Pathway management and redesign

  • Contract management

Some examples of what we have done in Clinical Audits for different CCGs

Audit of A and E and Ambulatory care pathway

The audits have provided the CCG with the evidence to re-negotiate by identifying an opportunity worth £40000 in avoidable 0-1 Hr NEL admissions. It also identified the key reasons for the blockages in patient flow in A and E.

The audit also helped establish baseline metrics for Ambulatory care unit for the first time and provide basis for revision of the local tariff 


First to Follow Up ratios Audit

The audits has provided the CCG with the evidence to re-negotiate the F2FU ratios and avoidable readmissions rate and negotiate reduced payments for those specialities with high Follow-ups and emergency re-admissions. 

Audit of Short Stay Admissions

The audits have provided the CCG with evidence to negotiate non payment for 35% of the very Short stay admissions as they were largely for avoidance of A and E 4 hr target.

Overall the audit showed that around 18% of the paediatric NEL admissions could have also been avoided. The audit provided the evidence and basis for set up of a paediatric SSAU

Contact us or call us on 07814708199 if you want to know more

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