Newham CCG Whole System Out of hospital transformation program leading to procurement of all community services, social care services , Urgent and emergency care in one integrated program with a budget of £250 million
Developing the roadmap and negotiating £120 million worth contracts to define whole systems approach and CQUIN schemes with Providers across acute, mental health, community and ambulance services. Develop and implement the Quality contracting process
Integrated transformation strategy for Lewisham and Greenwich NHS trust as part of their Cerner program to drive patient safety and quality of care in A and E, theatres and Maternity
Led the CIP diagnostics and 2013-14 CIP planning for Royal Devon and Exeter NHS trust. Identified, validated and got stakeholder engagement for 14 further projects to address a CIP gap of £7 Million. Now leading phase 2 to develop delivery plan
Led the CIP diagnostics and delivery program at North Umbria. Renal Service redesign for North Umbria NHS trust- developed and validated plan for £2.5 Million savings over 3 years
Led multiple other service improvement and redesign projects in theatres, A and E, Maternity services, QIPP programs in NHS trusts like Bart’s health, Royal Free NHS, Lewisham NHS trust, Imperial NHS trust, Chelsea and Westminster NHS.
At Royal Free, London- Led the redesign and service improvement in maternity services, Learning Disability, Renal, Acute Oncology and A&E. Led the redesign of endoscopy services to streamline workflows and increase capacity. Clinical advisor to the patient experience team, Trust Risk Management team and lead the Clinical governance of the program through the Clinical Advisory group.